Registration Fees

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Registration fees

The deadline for the payment of the congress participation fee is 5 December 2020.

150 Euro (Discount %30- 105 Euro

Students 100 Euro (Discount %30- 70 Euro)

For those on the board of the CEO congress (Discount %67 - 50 Euro)

Option 1: Please contact to send by Western Union: +90 505 965 46 13

Option 2: EURO Account : İş Bank EUR Account No: 5620-3681446

IBAN TR28 0006 4000 0025 6203 6814 46  

Swift code of the Bank: ISBKTRISXXX

Account Name and adress: DİLKUR Akademi İpekyolu İş Merkezi Kat.10 No.60 (Migros arkası) Aksaray/TURKEY

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